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De-Stress for the Holidays

Comfort Remodel

Enjoying family and friends during the holiday season
Enjoying time with the people you cherish

Happy November! We can’t believe how quickly 2021 is flying by. It seems every year the holiday season creeps up quicker and quicker. While the holidays are a joyous time, let’s be honest...they can also be stressful. Between crazy kids, and maybe even crazier relatives, this season can quickly feel like more of a burden than a celebration. This year we want to give you our Top 2 Favorite Tips to keep the stress away and make room for more joy...and maybe more mashed potatoes, too!

Tip 1: Plan early

They say, ”The early bird gets the worm”, and maybe they're right. Don’t fret if you feel behind - there’s still a lot of time to get your events in order. If you are the holiday host, sit down and make a list of all the things you want to accomplish in order from most pressing to least. Let’s face it, the holiday will still happen, even if you don’t have coordinating napkins and name cards.

Tip 2: Give yourself a little (or a lot) of grace

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the magnitude of the season. There are advertisements constantly pushing and pulling for your attention, weather concerns for family traveling, crazy kids on holiday break, and a turkey in the oven. Needless to say, it’s a lot of pressure. When you start to feel overwhelmed, remind yourself that the day will be wonderful just because you are together with the people you care about.

When all’s said and done, the holidays should be about joy! We have all fallen prey to the trap that is holiday stress. Once we let that go, we can fully embrace the season and all its gravy glory.

At Comfort Remodel, we are no exception to the rule. We often find ourselves caught up in the mess and stress. But if the Pandemic taught us anything it’s the importance of valuing every moment. We cherish each second spent with our loved ones whether that’s in the kitchen or in the backyard playing touch football. We hope you remember to plan early this year, give yourself grace in every moment, and please pass the potatoes!

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